About this Module

Throughout this module, you will be asked to respond to the questions below. Read these and think about your responses as you continue through this module.

  • Why are authentic performance tasks and products valuable in the development of student portfolios?
  • How can portfolios be used by educators to have students demonstrate their learning related to standards, competencies, and/or college and career readiness skills?
  • How can portfolios be used to help students observe and foster their improvement and success over time?
About This Module (transcript)

Hello and welcome to Defined Learning’s professional learning module – using portfolios to advance career and college readiness. As we begin, please think about how this module can benefit your students’ success. These questions may be helpful as you think about your students, your classroom, and Defined Learning’s performance tasks and portfolio system: Why are authentic performance tasks and products valuable in the development of student portfolios? How can portfolios be used by educators to have students demonstrate their learning related to standards, competencies, and/or college and career readiness skills? How can portfolios be used to help students observe and foster their improvement and success over time? - Dr. David Reese, Ed. D.

Defined Learning – PD