Professional eLearning Modules: Using Defined Learning with Your Students – Module 1

About this Module

Throughout this module, you will be asked to respond to the questions below. Read and think about your responses as you continue through this module.

  • How can you provide opportunities to help your students connect what they are learning in the classroom to the world beyond school?
  • Would you like to promote career exposure within your content area to your students?
  • How can you assist your students in becoming more innovative, and better critical thinkers and problem solvers?
About This Module (transcript)

Hello and welcome to Defined Learning’s professional learning module connecting real-world challenges and problems with classroom content. As we begin, please think about how this module can benefit your students and their success. These questions may be beneficial as you think about your students, your classroom, and Defined Learning performance tasks. How can you provide opportunities to help your students connect what they are learning in the classroom to the world beyond school? How can you promote career exposure within your content area? For all of your students? How can you assist your students in becoming more innovative, critical thinkers and problem solvers? - Dr. David Reese, Ed. D.

Defined Learning – PD