Professional eLearning Modules: Using Defined Learning with Your Students – Module 1

Identifying and Personalizing a Performance Task for Your Students


Find a Project
Customize a Project
Defined Learning Overview (transcript)

Use the search function to identify a task that you would like to consider using with your students. If you are unsure how to search for tasks in Defined Learning, please use the tutorial below to help you. Once you have identified a performance task, please review the "Set the Stage" section, including the "Introduction," the "Career Video," and the "Guiding Questions." Next, in "Explore the Background," review the "Goal," "Role," "Audience," and "Situation" to decide if this task is a good fit for you and for your students. We will discuss the products in the next module, but you can review the standards for each product by clicking on the blue box below each product to help with your decision making. If you are satisfied, you can now save the task by clicking on "Customize." Scroll down and click "Create and Continue" to edit the task. Begin editing the "Introduction" and "Goal", "Role", "Audience", and "Situation" if you believe it is necessary. Please review the following tutorials to learn how to customize if you are unsure. - Dr. David Reese, Ed. D.

Defined Learning – PD